Ratified and entried in force since 19 June 2019. → ATT Canada
Arms Export Reports available at: → Government of Canada: International trade and investment
Canada maintains positive, yet limited bilateral relations with Yemen.
The country recognizes the importance of regional stability, and supports efforts to protect Yemen’s recognized government, defend its territory and improve stability in Yemen. Canada encourages all sides of the conflict to resume inclusive political dialogue and participate fully in the peace process. Canada continues to call on all parties to the conflict to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law. Canada is represented in Yemen by the Embassy of Canada in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Yemen maintains an embassy in Ottawa.
In 2017, Canada provided $49.5 million in humanitarian funding to Yemen, ranking as the 7th largest single-country donor. Canada contributes to humanitarian assistance to Yemen through various multilateral organizations such as the World Food Programme, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent. Canada also supports Canadian non-governmental organizations working with the victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters as well as refugees in the region.
In 2017, total bilateral trade was approximately $116.8 million, including $103.2 million in exports and $13.5 million in imports. Bilateral commercial relations between Canada and Yemen consisted primarily of Canadian exports of vehicles, aircraft, vegetables, live animals and animal products, electric machinery, and pharmaceutical products. Over half of imports from Yemen in 2017 were vegetables, iron and steel, electric machinery, and pharmaceutical products. Due to the ongoing conflict, there are few opportunities for Canadian investment in Yemen.
(Canada Bilateral Relations, Oct. 2018)
(Yemen Factsheet, Sep. 2020)
Transfer of major weapons from Canada to Saudi Arabia / 2010-2019
Lav-25 Piranha | APC | 2009 | 724 | 2011-2015 | 724 | $2.2 b deal (part of $5.8 b deal); sold via USA; incl LAV-25 IFV, LAV-AG FSV, LAVAT anti-tank, 120mm mortar caririer, ARV, command post and ambulance versions; for National Guard |
Lav-25 Piranha | APC | 2011 | 155 | 2015 | 155 | $264 m deal; incl 82 for National Guard; incl. 17 APC, 28 anti-tank, 29 command post, 5 ARV, 3 ALV, 1 AEW, 6 mortar carrier and 6 ambulance version |
PT6 | Turboprop | 2012 | 55 | 2014-16 | 55 | For 55 PC-21 trainer aircraft from CH |
Gurkha | APV | 2013 | 70 | 2014-16 | 70 | Incl. for border guard and police |
LAV-700 | APC | 2014 | 385 | 2018-19 | 25 | Part of CAD14 b ($10-11) b deal; incl. ambulance, ARV, command post and VIP transport versions; delivery 2018-2023 |
LAV-700 AT | Tank Destroyer | 2014 | 119 | 2019 | 25 | Part of CAD14 b ($10-11) b deal |
LAV-700 FSV | AFSV | 2014 | 119 | 2019 | 25 | Part of CAD14 b ($10-11) b deal |
LAV-700 IFV | IFV | 2014 | 119 | 2019 | 25 | Part of CAD14 b ($10-11) b deal |
PW-100 | Turboprop | 2015 | 8 | 2015-18 | 8 | For 2 C295W transport and 2 C-295W maritime patrol aircraft from Spain |
Gurkha | APV | 2016 | 89 | 2017-18 | 89 | Incl. for border guard and police |
Transfer of major weapons from Canada to United Arab Emirates / 2010-2019
DHC-6 Twin Otter | Transport Aircraft | 2008 | 10 | 2013-2015 | 10 | $65m deal; DHC-6-400 version; incl. 4 Guardian-400 surveillance/MP version; bought and owned by UAE company incl. for use by UAE government |
PT6 | Turboprop | 2009 | 25 | 2011-12 | 25 | For 25 PC-21 trainer aircraft from CH |
PT6 | Turboprop | 2010 | 24 | 2011-12 | 24 | For 24 AT-802U combat aircraft from USA |
PT6 | Turboprop | 2012 | 2 | 2018-19 | 2 | For 24 Archangel-BPA aircraft from USA |
Global Express | Transport aircraft | 2012 | 2 | 2018-19 | 2 | ‘Project Dolphin’; Global Express-6000 version; modified to SIGINT aircraft in UK before delivery |
Global Express | Transport aircraft | 2015 | 2 | 2020 | ? | Part of $1.3 b deal; Global-6000 version; for modification to AEW&C/AGS aircraft in Sweden (with Swedish Erieye system) |
Global Express | Transport aircraft | 2017 | 10 | 2019 | 10 | Part of AED866 m ($238 m) deal; Global-6000 version; for modification to AEW&C/AGS aircraft in Sweden (with Swedish Erieye system) |
Global Express | Transport aircraft | 2019 | 2 | ? | ? | For modification to AEW&C/AGS aircraft in Sweden (with Swedish Erieye system); selected 2019 but not yet ordered by end-2019 |
PW100 | Turboprop | 2017 | 10 | 2019 | 10 | For 5 C-295w transport aircraft from Spain |
Challenger-650 | Light transport ac | 2019 | 2 | ? | ? | Modified in UAE for maritime patrol and SAR |
PT6 | Turboprop | 2019 | 24 | ? | ? | 6A-68 version; for 24 B-250 trainer/combat aircraft from Brazil |
The Repository is based on data extracted from SIPRI, Military Wiki and news sources.
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